Jun 16Liked by Albert Cory

“Baseball is sometimes boring. Not always, but that’s what makes the exciting moments so transcendant”

LOL, what baseball fan hasn’t had the experience of ducking out to get a hot dog and beer, and hearing the roar of the crowd as they miss the one big play of the game. It’s just part of the experience.

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Jun 16Liked by Albert Cory

Thing about baseball is it was (and is) well suited to be listened to on the radio. The formalization of the various elements that make up the plays is formalized enough you can picture a double play or the various pitches in your mind. Plus, you could follow along on a scorecard. That must have been a huge factor in its crazy popularity during the radio era.

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True. Hockey, football, and basketball are not even close as radio sports.

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Although they don't play baseball, you could add some of Monty Python's Upper-Class Twits of the Year because of their hyphenated names (e.g. Nigel Incubator-Jones, Oliver St. John-Mollusk, Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith, etc.)

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I remember the South Park “Smug Storm” episode about San Franciscans riffing on hyphenated names.

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“Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.”

“Funny names?”

“Hyphens, hyphenated names! Now, on the St. Louis team we have …”

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