May 29Liked by Albert Cory

Albert- Thanks so much for sharing this, particularly the reflection on AI's impact and the references on "birds" and "men." Definitely a piece that has brought more clarity to a new area (and era) of humanity. Hope you're well this week, Albert-

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You're welcome, and thank you.

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I read that AI of the 1960's was not envisioned in the same way of the 2020s. While there were AI researchers back then, I feel like several newcomers jumped ahead in line for research grants or investments simply by being in the right place at the right time. Or more effort was made at selling the idea than the actual product. If superconductors and cold-fusion were ubiquitous, perhaps this would be the best decade to develop AI. But because some regions still rely on certain types of power plants, there is not a harmonious enthusiasm for its utilization towards AI. I remain open minded though. 😉

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The Fifth Generation was the 80's, not the 60's.

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