Sep 9Liked by Albert Cory

I have many annoyances about sleeping in hotels. 1) it seems impossible in many to turn off the fan, I hate the sound and the cold air coming in on me. I know all that is said about temperature in bedrooms, but I still think it is individual. I like rooms whether asleep or awake warmer than most people. I still remember a Chemistry teacher in high school who opened the windows to try to keep us awake. 2) And I hate weight on my feet. Ok I have peripherial neuropathy, which quite a few older people have due to diabetics, cancer treatment or other things. Nothing is quite so annoying as trying to fight your way out from under anything heavy, or even a top sheet when you need to get up in the middle of the night. 3) Pillows, are always huge, very puffy and hurt my neck when they are. How exciting, next week one night in a hotel. Not even a second night to work out what didn't work the first night.

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Thanks, Meg. You have a somewhat different set of issues than I do. But it remains true that hotels do a very poor job of facilitating sleep.

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